NAVIGAT X Mk 1/SR-180 Mk 1 is a microprocessor controlled gyrocompass system
with integrated automatic north speed error correction.
The system is type approved by the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic
Agency (BSH) and complies with IMO resolutions A.424 (IX) and A.574 (14) as well
as DNV-W1 and ISO standard 8728.
For use in high speed craft, an optimized system is available, which complies with
IMO resolution A.821 (19) - HSC.
C. PLATH's unique method of supporting the gyrosphere by means of mere buoy-
ancy ensures north stabilization during short power failures. For example, after a
three minute loss of power, no more than two degrees of deviation may be expected.
Once power has been restored, the gyrocompass will return quickly to the correct
heading without requiring the usual settling period. The combined effects of the twin
rotors an the liquid damping system virtually eliminate latitude error.
Heading is measured as a 12 bit absolute value by means of a digital shaft encoder.
The high-speed follow-up system (>100%/sec.) ensures extremely accurate meas-
urements of heading and rate of turn under all operating conditions.
The system features an integrated TMC-function (magnetic compass transmission)
and input interfaces for a second gyrocompass, speed log, position receiver and two
rud angle feedback units.
The gyrocompass provides 12 independent serial data outputs to analogue or digital
repeaters (including short-circuit-proof 24 VDC repeater power supply), RS 422 and
NMEA sensor data outputs, a special NMEA Fast output interface (reduced dataset)
and a NMEA Superfast output interface (adjustable baudrate, max 38400 baud). Fur-
thermore, two 6 step/0 heading outputs, an analogue rate of turn output and an inter-
face for the voyage data printer NAVIPRINT are provided.
Integrated monitoring and alarm functions for the supply powers, gyroscope temperatur
and current and the follow-up system ensure secure and trouble-free operation of the
The single unit design with a polyurethane hard foam housing of low weight allows
the gyrocompass system to be installed on any bridge, from large yachts to the most
capacious merchant vessels. If required, the integrated control and display unit may
be installed at a remote location from the gyrocompass or an additional remote oper-
ating unit installed.
As an option, a special "compass monitor" control unit is available, which provides
additional independent monitoring functions and features a numerical keypad, which
facilitates the operation of the system.
An optional switch-over unit for twin gyrocompass systems provides for complete
redundancy of all in- and output signals and thus ensures the independence of the
individual compasses.
Technical Data
heading display…………………………………………………………………………………………...4-digit
follow-up speed………………………………………………………………………………………. > 1007s
mean settling time………………………………………………………………………………………< 3h
freedom of roll and pitch………………………………………………………………………………. +40°
linear mean settle point error…………………………………………………………………………<0.1° sec lat
static error………………………………………………………………………………………………………<0.1° sec lat
dynamic error…………………………………………………………………………………………………< 0.4° sec lat
max.deviation after power interruption
of 3 min.................................................................................................................. < 2⁰
Ambient Temperature Range
operation............................................................................................................. .-10 - +55 °C
storage................................................................................................-25 - +70°C (w/o supporting fluid)
Power Supply supply voltage.............................................................................115/230 V~ ±10%;
including automatic switchover to 24 V emergency power supply in accordance with GMDSS rules for
INMARSAT/SES terminals or..................................................................................... .24VDC (18-36 V)
Protection Grade............................................................................. IP 23 in accordance with DIN 40050
Environmental Requirements and EMC.............................................. in accordance with IEC 945
Power Consumption DC AC
Start-up…………………………………………………………………………………………….80 W 125 VA
Operation…………………………………………………………………………………………..45 W 75 VA
Each analohue repeater……………………………………………………………………….7W7VA
Each digital repeater…………………………………………………………………………….7W7VA
Data Outputs
repeater outputs 12 (gyrocompass heading, magneticcompass heading, rate of turn, heading
reference status; supply power24 VDC, max. 7 W each)
data outputs NMEA (2gyrocompass heading, magnetic compass heading, rate of turn, position,
speed, heading reference status)
data outputs RS 422 3 (gyrocompass heading, magnetic compass heading, rate of turn, position,
speed, heading reference status, gyrocompass heading, magnetic)
Alarm and Status Outputs
Power failure / general device error alarm.... potential-free contact; max. 30W, 1 A; 125 V
AC power supply.......…....................................potential-free contact; max. 30W, 1 A; 125 V
AC power supply…………………………………………..potential-free contact; max. 30W, 1 A; 125 V
Heading reference status (G1/G2/Mag).......... potential-free contact; max. 30W, 1 A; 125 V
Heading difference alarm................................ potential-free contact; max. 30W, 1 A; 125 V
Max ROT alarm.........……………………………..….... potential-free contact; max. 30W, 1 A; 125 V
Watch alarm trigger output……………………….... potential-free contact; max. 30W, 1A; 125 V
Data and Signal Inputs
Magnetic Heading
Fluxgate sensor
Sin/Cos type or electronic compass
NMEA 0183 or PLATH-format
Heading Gyro 2
NMEA 0183
Lehmkuhl LR 20 or LR 40
NMEA 0183
NMEA 0183 or 200 pulses/nm
rudder angle 2
independent rudder angles
analogue (feedback, potentiometer)
Steering Mode
sei. switch status
Heading Reference Ext. (Gyro/Mag:G1/G2)
sei. switch status
Time Const. ROT
sei. switch status
Ext. Alarm Acknowledge
sei. switch status
The NAVIGAT XMK2 is a microprocessor controlled gyrocompass system with
integrated automatic North speed error correction.
The single unit design with a polyurethane hard foam housing allows the gyro-
compass to be installed on any bridge. If required, an optional remote operat-
ing unit may be installed.
The unique method of supporting the gyrosphere by means of mere buoyancy
ensures North stabilization during short power failures. E.g., after a three
minute loss of power, no more than two degrees of deviation may be expected.
Once power has been restored, the gyrocompass will return quickly to the cor-
rect heading. The combined effects of the twin rotors and the liquid damping
system virtually eliminate latitude error.
Heading is measured as a 13-bit absolute value with a digital shaft encoder. The
high-speed follow-up system (follow-up speed upto 100%s) ensures that accu-
rate heading and rate of turn data is provided under all operating conditions.
Integrated monitoring of the supply powers, gyroscope current and the follow-
up system ensure secure and trouble-free operation.
Data and Signal Interfaces
The NAVIGAT XMK2 provides input interfaces for a magnetic compass (flux-
gate sensor or electronic compass), speed log and position receiver.
The system provides four serial data outputs to analogue or digital repeaters
(including short-circuit-proof 24 VDC repeater power supply), two RS422 sen-
sor data outputs, a Fast output interface (reduced dataset) and a Superfast out-
put interface (adjustable baudrate, max. 38400 baud).
Furthermore, a Furuno AD10 heading output, a 6 step/0 heading output, and an
analogue rate of turn output are provided. One sensor data output may be con-
figured to produce a graphical heading printout in conjunction with the nav.
data printer NAVIPRINT.
The NAVIGATXMK 2 may also be used as part of a component multicompass
system in conjunction with the Compass Monitor NAVITWIN III and a Switch-
Over Unit. In such a system, the Compass Monitor acts as the main heading
source selector and controls distribution of the compasses' output signals via
the Switch-Over Unit.
Technical Data
heading display……………………………………………………………………………..4-digit
max. follow-up speed……………………………………………………………………..100%
mean settling time………………………………………………………………………….. <3h
freedom of roll and pitch……………………………………………………………….. +40°
lin. mean settle point error………………………………………………………………< 0.1° sec lat
static error……………………………………………………………………………………..< 0.1° sec lat
dynamic error………………………………………………………………………………< 0.4° sec lat
deviation after 3 min. power interruption........................................... < 2 o
Environmental Requirements
ambient temperature, operation…………………………………………………………-10- +55 °C
ambient temperature, storage……………………………….......………-25-+70 °C (w/o supporting fluid)
protection grade…………………………………………………………………………….. IP 23 to DIN 40050
Environmental Requirements and EMC…………………………………………. in accordance w. IEC 60945
Power Supply:
supply voltages main 24 VDC (18-36 V),
backup 24 VDC (18-36 V);
including automatic switch-
over to 24 V backup supply
in accordance with GMDSS
rules for INMARSAT/SES
Max. Ripple Conten:
+4 Vpp; extreme values
may not exceed 36 V or fall
below 18V
Power Consumption
each analogue repeater………………………………………..7W
each digital repeater……………………………………………..7W
Dimensions and Weight
Repeater (4x NMEA)
Gyrocompass heading
Magnetic compass heading
Rate of turn
Heading reference status
4x supply 24VDC
Max.7 W each
RS 422 SuperFast
Gyrocompass heading
Magnetic compass heading
Rate of turn
Heading reference status
6 Step Output
Act. Heading
Supply 24VDC max 18 W
AD10 Output
Gyrocompass heading
Rate of Turn, Analogue
+0.1-999,9mV/ O /min;
Max.10V, 10 mA
Navigation Data Printer
Graph: act. Headinh;
Text: date,time,heading
Reference,steering mode
Alarm and Status Outputs
Potential-free contact closures;
Max.30W, 125V/1A- each power failure/general device error heading difference alarm.
Data and Signal Inputs
Magnetic heading……………………………….NMEA 0183 or PLATH-format or NAVITWIN III or NAVIPILOT
Position……………………………………………… NMEA 0183
Speed………………………………………………… NMEA 0183 or 200 pulses/nm
Sterring mode……………………………………(auto/man) sei.switch status
Heading reference ext. (gyro/mag)…….sei.switch status
Ext.alarm acknowledge (mute)…………….sei.switch status